About the Society for Cultural Optimism
We develop social games that engage participants in overwhelming optimism. Currently we are running a social and technical speculation laboratory out of Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia.

Social Space
We believe that every rigid system should be investigated, questioned and hacked using social cooperation.

Interconnected Systems
We strive to create structures that enable manageable and meaningful interactions in interconnected systems. As complex as necessary, as accessible as possible.

Speculative Agency
In our speculative scenarios participants can engage in meaningful discourse on current social and political topics. We believe that real participation goes beyond choice.

Discourse with Play
We often use performative game-like structures that are both filled and constructed together with participants and their ideas and motivations.
The Society for Cultural Optimism was established in Berlin in 2014 by Christiane Hütter and Friedrich Kirschner.
Our Philosophy is
someplace southeast of cynicism lies the possibility for awesomeness!
Socio-technical speculation lab
We are currently running a social and technical speculation laboratory out of Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia.
Thursday, Sept. 10th.
Come and play the game on the Cube (QUT)
from 12 to 3pm!
Wednesday, Sept. 9th.
We will move the Weltmaschine through Brisbane city! In this next step the device creates a conduit: Brisbane people will be able to implement themselves as characters and our society’s montrosities as enemies in a video game. And also their personal strategies to overcome them.
Thank you all for participating and becoming 8bit characters! See you tomorrow at the CUBE at QUT!

Expeditional Basecamp
During QUTs annual Robotronica festival , we had the opportunity to establish a first expeditionary base camp. Using our newly constructed Weltmaschine - a device that helps us simulate possible future realities, we encouraged visitors to share their thoughts on technological development and possible future scenarios. From the data gathered, and using the Weltmaschine in its first incarnation, we generated a poem of the future.
SFCO Robotronica Documentation from Friedrich Kirschner on Vimeo.
Data Analysis
We provided questionnaires to our Robotronica basecamp visitors, asking about the role of robotics in our future society. While our questions were fun and engaging, the results (quantitative (multiple choice, yes/no choice) or semi-structured qualitative questions) were analyzed. Additionally we analyzed environmental variables to finally adjust tendencies. In the end we were able to position people’s thoughts and feelings towards the future, concerning the following, interconnected dimensions:
Social Technology
How much technology plays a part in our vision? What will be considered artificial, what natural? Will it engage community or increase separation?
Power Structures
Will the future be driven by wars or will it be peaceful? How will gender equality develop? Are we talking about a future of dictatorship? Or anarchy?
Dregree of Optimism
Is our vision of the future leaning towards things getting better or worse? Will it be colourful or black? Full of love or full of hate? Do we expect a happy end or - not?
Some Fun Facts
During our stay here, we have already gathered some very useful data, built the Weltmaschine and have generated a poem of the future.
properties that fed into the Weltmaschine
kg Instant Mix, Fast Curing Concrete used
analysed visions of the future from visitors
Robot Speed-Dating attempts
Find below some impressions from our day of data collection (interviews and speed dating interventions) and analysis.





Asking visitors




Brisbane Team

Christiane Hütter
Chief Game Designer
Lena Fay
Performance Designer
Friedrich Kirschner
Architect - Weltmaschine
Stefano Trambusti
Architect - the Conduit
Katharina Halus
Stellan Fuhrberg
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